Week 1

In This Week We Will Do Two Things:

  1. We are going to clear the mental and emotional cobwebs that get in the way whenever we try to get to a higher level in life.
  2. We are going to start figuring out your “Food Type” and the “The Fat-Burning Roadblocks” (That Stop Your Fat Burning)

Just go through the lessons in order.

Download the audios and the pdfs. Listen to the lesson and do the exercises. Then do the action steps in the action guides. Keep it simple always!

Lesson 1 – Clearing Out Hidden Self-Sabotage…

To Listen To The Lesson Here…

[wpaudio url=”http://d71fle707hn2p.cloudfront.net/audio/Week 1 Lesson 1 – Eliminating Hidden Self Sabotage.mp3″ text=”Week 1 Lesson 1 – Eliminating Hidden Self Sabotage” dl=”0″]

To Download the Lesson…

To Download Your PDF’s…


Lesson 2 – Finding Out Your Genetic Home Base and Your Basic Health Imbalances…

To Listen To The Lesson Here…

[wpaudio url=”http://d71fle707hn2p.cloudfront.net/audio/Week 1 Lesson 2 – You Hidden Fat Burning Roadblocks.mp3″ text=”Week 1 Lesson 2 – You Hidden Fat Burning Roadblocks” dl=”0″]

To Download the Lesson…

To Download Your PDF’s…