Week 16

In This Week:

  1. This week we’re going to learn the RIGHT way to do resistance training to transform your body shape.
  2. Then we are going to learn about the best things to eat BEFORE and AFTER your workouts.
  3. Then we are going to learn about the importance of taking breaks and giving your body time to recover so you don’t get caught overtraining!

This week there are no actions guides. Just my audio. Keep it simple always!

Week 16 – Resistance Training… The Fat-Burning Powerhouse…

To Listen To The Lesson Here…

[wpaudio url=”http://d71fle707hn2p.cloudfront.net/audio/Week 16 – Lesson 1 Resistance Training.mp3″ text=”Week 16 – Lesson 1 Resistance Training” dl=”0″] [wpaudio url=”http://d71fle707hn2p.cloudfront.net/audio/Week 16 – Lesson 2 Pre and Postworkout Fuel.mp3″ text=”Week 16 – Lesson 2 Pre and Postworkout Fuel” dl=”0″] [wpaudio url=”http://d71fle707hn2p.cloudfront.net/audio/Week 16 – Lesson 3 Taking Breaks.mp3″ text=”Week 16 – Lesson 3 Taking Breaks” dl=”0″]

To Download the Lesson…