“Soaked Almonds For Snacking…”


  • As much raw almonds you want to have ready (It must say “raw” when you buy it)



  1. Place all your almonds into a container
  2. fill with water so water is about 2 inches above the almonds*
  3. Leave for 8 hours (or overnight if you’re preparing this for dinner)
  4. Drain the water out using a colander
  5. Pat dry the almonds in a clean towel
  6. Place all the almonds in a Ziplock bag and put in the freezer to keep fresh**
*Optional:Use you can add stevia or himalayan salt or flavored stevia to taste into the water.
**It is best to use a vacuseal type container or bag to suck out the air. This will keep it even more fresh and easy to use in the future.

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  1. Marcos
    11 years ago

    Well, if you have lost 20 pounds, then why would you even csinoder a diet pill? Those things are dangerous, not tested by the FDA, and always has the disclaimer that results are in combination with diet and exercise so why do you want something unproven when you have proved that you are able to lose weight by diet alone? Even if they DO work (and there is no scientific evidence on this), you are not addressing the habits that cause you to gain weight, and will be dependent on them for the rest of your life.Diet and exercise works you’ve changed your diet, so why not add exercise? You will not be able to stay on a low carb diet, but if you modify it into a diet that you can see yourself eating for the rest of your life, and add exercise, you will continue to lose weight and will develop the tools to keep it off.